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    By not airing hurricane alerts on a radio station that airs his show:  Sun-Sentinel Rush Limbaugh has long been a…
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  • Apparently they think we're the morons, from the way they're trying to sell an Iran war with the Iraq war…
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  • I knew you could.  These are for Harriet Miers and Sara Taylor: AP/Yahoo Two congressional committees are issuing subpoenas for…
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  • So glad you got to attend, and thanks for sharing the phtos. (OT, but my fingers are crossed for you…
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  • Not bad.  Have a new set of projects to work on today, spending some time at the library this afternoon,…
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  • mire: WashPo A senior U.S. military commander said yesterday that Iraq's army must expand its rolls by at least 20,000…
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  • Good morning, ask and FM. 3 more days...next I'll have to break it down into hours.
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  • You're still up?  Color me impressed.  ðŸ™‚
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  • And this is to be done to protect the woman's honor.  Never mind the fact that unmarried women who haven't…
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  • Wow, just how similar do US troops and Taliban fighters look, anyway?   Another happy war story courtesy of Bushco.
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  • He doesn't mond the bruises...it's the trip to the hospital for a CAT scan of his sinuses and orbital bone…
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  • Hmmm...Tuesday News Oasis?
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  • I bet the dogs will be delighted to see you...and Jim too.  ðŸ™‚  Do you have a direct flight? The…
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  • That's what I say too...it's the slow response that I find annoying.  ðŸ™‚
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  • Yep, they just love to prey on the poor and the desperate when they need cannon fodder.
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  • Are you there all day Friday too? We had the last game on Saturday; this week is the end-of-season BBQ…
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  • Yep.  I'm tired of playing 'sock hunt' every morning.
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  • How's the beige conference room from hell going?
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  • ONly 4 more mornings of getting CBtY up for school...can't wait.  ðŸ™‚
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  • Musharraf's rule coming to an end? TPM Muckraker Since September 11, 2001, the U.S.'s Pakistan policy can be summed up…
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