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    Hi refinish!  I'm so excited this morning, everybody went to school, on the school bus.  ðŸ™‚   Woo-hoo!  An early…
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  • Oooh!  Spring pictures! Morning everyone!
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  • Good to see you around, ww.  Take care of that flu...the stuff going around this winter is awful.
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  • I like it.  (btw, I just had to go read the wiki for Stonewall because I had no idea of…
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  • Pure meanness and spite.
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  • Even if this isn't declared a mistrial, can Scooter use the media exposure of the juror as a reason for…
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  • Have a great time, Cali!
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  • How many other state legislatures have begun similar resolutions?
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  • Although Bush is a weak man, which makes it easy for people like Cheney to manipulate him, I include him…
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  • Hmm...I think I'll check out my Costco.
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  • Cute house, warmer weather, cheaper college tuition, family close by...how could they stay in Cleveland?  ðŸ™‚
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  • Whatever happened to Joe's "No one wants to end the war in Iraq more than I do " schtick from…
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  • I'm sure you don't even have to fake it.  Are they going to check out the cute little house while…
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  • Hey, which grinder did you get?  I've been looking for a new one, but a lot of them seem really…
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  • Good morning!  Is your company there?  Do you have cool hip plans for what to do with them?
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  • Actually, I wouldn't be too sad if they did.  We're all still feeling kind of under the weather with this…
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  • Good morning refinish! It's a little icy out there.  I'm glad I don't need to go anywhere this morning, and…
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  • The CBs are still in bed.  I'm debating hopping back in for a few...
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  • Good morning! Andi, we pretty much got your weather here.  Snow, a little sleet, then rain.  Except our snow hasn't…
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  • I'm here (going back and forth from 'puter to tee-vee.) Jaden is too cute!
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