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    or just no taste? Yahoo Dubbed "style-free and fashion deprived," Britney Spears and Paris Hilton tied for the No. 1…
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  • The creator of Scooby Doo died: UK Independent Takamoto, who died on Monday at the age of 81, enjoyed a…
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  • More frequently than you know. Last week, I wrote an outline for the wrong study and realized it about 15…
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  • :::crickets chirping:::
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  • Thanks.  The headache is finally starting to fade, although it's not completely gone yet.
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  • What happened to the people involved in these experiments long-term?
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  • I saw that 26% number and thought "how could this man persist in his war escalation insanity?"  Then I remembered…
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  • content myself with looking at pictures of where he'll be, out in the backcountry...sigh. How's Day 2 of back-to-work?  I've…
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  • Oh, CBtY has been giving us "Snark n' Surl", his own unique brand of snippiness.  Happy to take over his…
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  • How fitting that the link to his supposed opposition to the war comes up "file not found".
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  • Hi!  How are you and the Divas this morning?
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  • Guess I won't admit to sleeping most of yesterday afternoon and having a killer sinus headache (which is still lingering),…
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  • Morning everybody!  It's actually a (gasp!) chilly day here today....
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  • wants to deny funding for the surge (with video): TPM muckraker Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), appearing just now on Hardball…
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  • AP/Yahoo In a blunt challenge to President Bush, the leader of the Senate's new Democratic majority said Monday he will…
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  • Where's that "Coalition of the Willing " go? Thislondon Tony Blair will make clear this week that Britain is not…
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  • Off to the airport- Hi y'all!
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  • Yep.  I even had time to get snippy with some bozo at the big orange while I was waiting.  (Yeah,…
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  • It's there.  :::taps foot:::
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  • I'll email you...
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