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    I wanted to go to yoga this morning, but I'm moving too slowly.  Think I'll head over for the late…
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  • Well, we'll only walk to the car and back today, okay?  We're kind of surrounded here, you know.  ðŸ™‚
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  • I think that's part of it.  I keep worrying that I'm screwing, and yesterday i had so many problems with…
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  • Are you off again today too?  We didn't get much snow, but we got the snow day anyway.
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  • I know, I'm glad that daycare isn't one of my worries.  I just hope you're right about the work thing.…
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  • meaningful to people like this. We're talking about a segment of the public that follows and cheers on that type…
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  • Sounds delightful...we're waiting to see if we get the BIG SNOES we were promised.
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  • Tomorrow when the snow stops, for sure.  I'm hoping this is our last snowstorm for a while...
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  • Are you back home now? It's been snowing on and off here all day, but no accumulation on the roads…
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  • My mother called after watching the first hour or so, and asked us why no one asks these reps why…
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  • Ooh, I'd attend that one.  Who are we inviting and where?
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  • schools closed, boys home....except CBtE has exams today, and his school isn't closed, there's just no transportation.  ANd Finn has…
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  • Oh gawd, that sucks.  Ours isn't supposed to start until tomorrow.
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  • We're due for another big storm tomorrow night...in the 6-12 inch range, from what I heard. Guess I'll be hitting…
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  • Since so many miscarriages occur before a woman even knows she's pregnant, I guess they'll have to send all their…
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  • and I actually found pants that fit...so I had to buy them.  Now I feel guilty (nothing was on sale),…
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  • We're thinking of coming with Finn...
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  • Amen.  Are you going to DL tonight?  
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  • That would definitely make it more fun.  ðŸ™‚
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  • I'm moving slowly today.  Have some work to do, a telecconference at lunchtime, and hopefully will have that all finished…
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