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    Then tune off ABC. I just wrote them and notified them. Just like I did with Fox, so I will…
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  • This is not censorship, just plain old style boycot!
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  • It seems to me that they are treating the people of NO just as they do illegal immigrants. All we…
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  • They can make their own reality as long as no one comes and can prove that they are in la-la…
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  •  The Mercosur is creating an Electoral Observatory to monitor elections in the southern hemisphere, beginning with this year's  elections of…
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  • Don't worry about me. This is a pleasure really. I already found the book: Imagining Argentina by Lawrence Thorton. i…
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  • They are playing in England but they are playing Brazil. It is going to be a great game. There is…
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  • Hey JD. What I cant understand is why would they call a peace warrior like you. 🙂 Hope you are…
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  • by comparing us to the people who helped bring about the deaths of over 100 million human beings Did Dumbsfeld…
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  • Markos predicts 7 to 14. Thank god he is always wrong!!!
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  • By the way, I have been in Paraguya a couple of times. Also I was on the airport the day…
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  • That was a very good article. I knew that Paraguay was considering allowing the US to go there, but was…
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  • Only if you let me use the American Idol part. 🙂
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  • Chile and Uruguay will probably vote according to US' choice. They are willing to have a free trade agreement with…
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  • I've pent the last eight years messing with them, and letting them know that not all of us have forgoten…
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  • I had to check something up. Townsley and his wife, Mariana Callejas Honores, were both responsible of the killing of…
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  • That is the thing. They say that Townsley was a "former" CIA. Yet he stil is under federal protection. The…
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  • That should have been Stroesner, not Sroesner.
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  • Paraguayan dictator, Alfredo Sroesner who participated in Operation condor died on August 16th. Guess he went to hell.
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  • The gift of giving is something precious. All it takes is a little kindness and a little goodwil. Thank you…
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