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    HOw funny!! Now the city of Los Angeles will be renamed The Angels. The state of Colorado will be named…
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  • Funny!! I am looking into restitutions from France for the looting of my grand parents buisness. One thing that I…
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  • Now that is a complete definition!!
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  •  I like this paragraph:     Much debate about genocides revolves around the proper definition of the word "genocide." The…
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  • From Wikipedia     The first draft of the Convention included political killings but the USSR did not accept that…
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  •  intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group With regard of the Lebanese,…
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  • I say everyboby is right and I,m always wrong!
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  • That link will send you to a place I've never seen before. Seem like the NSA is screwing up my…
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  • Glad you brought the Argentine bombing.  According to a report in the New York Times, the Iranian government not only…
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  •  It's best to remember that in this new Global War on Terror that such quaint notions of international law and…
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  • Booman read the diary again. She never says anti americanS she says anti ameriCAN. Burning the flag is anti american.…
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  • I don't think it is that simple. You can definetly be anti-american ( ie, the people). But you can be…
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  • I just don't buy that lieberman will win in a three way election, specially since Connecticut is a dem state.
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  • Hey Oui, you forgot to tell the idiot not to speak with his mouth full. Hasn't anyone taught him the…
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  • noticed how much they love you there 🙂
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  • Damm Poemless, you sure know my neighbourhood well 🙂 And you are right, we all get along great here, so…
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  • Hey Janet!It was great great great. Unfortunatedly it was only 2 days. We went for the architectural boat ride and…
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  • Without you googlebombing my name I would have never contacted them. YOU were the "bright spot" you refered to.  
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  • and yet.... there are bright spots. Hi its simple. It's funny that you post today. My sister came to visit…
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  • Actually let me correct that: I was born in Argentina but have dual citizenship (both parents were US citizens)
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