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    Remember when Republicans wanted to ban the Spanish language in this country? How do they intend to do so by…
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  • doing so bad, that now they even ask liberals for donations. They must really be desperate.
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  • I have no problem with having an implant as long as they take me to the vet if I get…
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  • Must be election time again!
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  • What was the mission? The mission was wining re-election. Mission accomplished! Alsso heard that three CBS crew members were blown…
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  • Thanks for that video. What called my attention was that the patrol was iraqi-american. Looks like death squad training to…
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  • NOt a big fan of country music, but when most texans were throwing the Dixi chicks cds, that is when…
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  • I have been trying to figure out the correlation between those examples you cite above, with republican administrations. I believe…
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  • Not for long Steven, not for long.
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  • The US has prohibited the sale of weapons to Venezuela, due to it's lack of cooperation in the war against…
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  • I messed up the links for Ski news and Scotsman Ski news is here, and Sotsman is here
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  • Yesterday Evangelina met President Kirchner by coincidence in the streets of Vienna (although I have read somewhere that they found…
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  • Because when they all get together it smells like a sewer
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  • 35% of Americans are upset of phone # disclosures. That is a big market. I've been trying to give them…
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  • Hi DJ!!!! She did. Her images are traveling all over the world. CNN, Sky News, Scotsman News, Berliner Zeitung, There…
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  • One person can make a difference!
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  • I already called ATT and told them that after this month I will drop phone lines, and DSL. It is…
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  • I believe you missed his oath of office when he swore to protect and defend the Constitution. Right after that…
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  • You got it! quick fingers slow brain I'm imitatimg Bush 🙂
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  • Hi Oui.You have to check this out!!!    
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