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    Here is the timeline
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  • Brief timeline from guatemalan history.
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  • There is an inconsistency between those killed in the Spanish Embassy. One report says 30 and the other says 37.…
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  • The Un's comission on Human rights is about to pass the Forced Disappearence Convention. It makes it a crime agains…
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  • Hey Sally, Super is just jealous because he wasn't included. 🙂
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  • When you mention America are you refering to the people or to uncle Sam??? While in my part of the…
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  • DJ:for what I've read so far, you are just getting started. The should have,could have, would havewill do you  no…
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  • As to Carter, he might have spared my life, and definetly did spare the lives of thusands of my fellow…
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  • Thanks. Now it will be a breeze ((((((((DJ))))))))
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  • And don't you EVER leave us again. You've been missed SC
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  • It really blew my mind. My sister e-mailed me and told me: our sis ter Pavi made a comment. Answer…
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  • Yopu got it.
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  • read it here    
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  • Yeah. She is dads first marriage daughter, and I saw her when I was 9. Never saw her again. The…
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  • Thanks. I am so psyched 🙂
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  • Take lots of liquid, and dont eat too much, You want the stomach to shrink. Proteins and fatty food is…
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  • I am doing great. My sister read the FBI diary and we have been in contact since then. SHE IS…
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  • Hunger comes and goes. The longer you fast, the less you feel it. If it ever becomes too much, try…
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  • looks like an hibiscus
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  • We miss you at the other place. I mean this place!!!! 🙂 Good to see you are still arround!
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