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    We are not overheated. But we do have a higher temperature thermostat 🙂
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  • Larry:        I do have a lot of respect for you. However I do take a little of…
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  • You truely deserve a standing ovation for the good work you've been doing.You are one of those leaders that make…
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  • That got me started also. Quit for four months. And then gradually started again. One puff, half a cigarret, a…
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  • I was able to quit twice: The first time I was in Brazil and drank water out of the faucet.…
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  • Hi Oui. Where have you been hiding all this time?! NOticed that this diary is from April 2nd. You have…
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  • Saravá Sally!!! (Saravá =Brazilian folk word from Macumba, Candomble, Umbanda. It is a very powerfull greeting and invocation of the…
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  • Just hope Many  will let us know when they put those cameras. I could use one, pecially if it is…
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  • Call the city and say that there is an abandoned car parked there for a month. They will mark it…
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  • Let them build those private walls. I bet it will be a waste of time and money, specially if they…
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  • On the bright side, war crimes never prescribe. some time somewhere, justice will take place  
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  • I would like to point this out regarding operation condor: the US provided communications for the coordination of Operation Condor,…
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  • Because they will most likely lose a partner in Iraq. Isb't that sad! 🙂
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  • Silvio Berlusconi seems to be loosing all hope in the italian recount election. Also interesting is that neither Bush nor…
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  • I hate it when I intend to give a 4 and by accident give a 3. You definetly deserved a…
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  • NOt argueing a point. That is a good one, specially since I said that I started giving you a 2…
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  • Old timer says The Savage Messiah by Ken Russell.
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  • Fine. you didn't. But you are still calling Soj a fraud in your title. Discuss Soj's diaries. You have spent…
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  • It is the fact that you are calling out Soj in that way. If you have problems with Soj's writings…
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  • I gave you a 2 as a warning. But you went ahead and gave Manny a 2 your transgression of…
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