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    Tought you quit long time ago. 🙂
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  • America is more than two parties. America is more than bipartisanship. These Republicans have to learn the lessons the hard…
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  • I would try the state department either by phone or by internet. Also do not hesitate to bullshit. Sat your…
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  • What you are saying about the Argentine priests and the dictadura is absolutely true. Furthermore, they also ratted their own.…
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  • This is the question for me: were those comments based on facts. As for the comments from the Argentine priests…
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  • Manee I understand exaclty where you are coming from. As a matter of fact, I had a huge discussion over…
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  • This was my first "car". A 1960 Ika pickup truck that I had in Argentina. I was driving on the…
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  • Hey Manee, there was another caricature by an Australian, who responded to the Iranian request for drawings about the Holocaust.…
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  • Larry:       I'm not trying to be disrrespectful to you, or anyone of the agencies. I'm simply tryin…
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  • ill be seen as selling out U.S. national security interests to a wealthy Arab buddy whose country has some ties…
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  • I clicked on it and nothing comes out. Have the photos been whiteweshed?
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  • Stupid question: Aren't WE supposed to elect those who will represent us? Isn't that what primaries are all about??? Shoudn't…
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  • Yesterday in Hardball, Ron Reagan mentioned it about 4 times. Wonder if the hospital will release the blood analysis
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  • Come on guys, don't be so harsh with little dick. He is trying to get some combat experience. Also, he…
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  • Apparently to lie and decieve
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  • Ron Reagan comment about 4 times that maybe Cheney could have been drinking as a reason for the VP not…
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  • That was the # 1 lesson I learned from daddy Bulshit 🙂
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  • And the biggest lie was: I will restpre honor and dignity to the White House. I am sick and tiered…
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  • Welcome to BT, and thanks for posting it here. Personally, I think that the pressure is mounting and at any…
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  • Possible legal defense: 1- Thought I loaded my gun with spit balls 2- My pacemaker gave me an electrical jolt…
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