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    "I will restore honor and dignity to the White House" (Bush at a GOP fundraiser in April 2000)
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  • Whatever they are based on, the fact is that it was widely approved by middle esterns. They were jumping up…
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  • If I wanted to take offense from the Muslims, I wuld only have to visualize the events post 911, or…
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  • Dont you leave Susan! Maybethis  makes some sense
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  • In December 2004, an Argentine painter/writer/poet was in a similar position, only that he was going to have an exhibit…
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  • The Quackers in Florida were infliltrated, according to the sessions held by rep. Conyards and shown by c-span.
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  • I think it is great that they go out with pots and pans. We need a little more of that.…
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  • What ever it is, count me in
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  • Remember the protests in Mar del Plata when Bush went to Argentina? Around the same time, there ws a protest…
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  • Bet you they were bad tipers too!
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  • Agueros the new kid. 17 years old, and he kicks ass He was in the sub 20 there. Both him…
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  • Yeah! You can enjoy it until the World Cup starts. Then I will make you misserable. When Argentina and Holland…
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  • You rock Oui! And if anybody even attempts to call you a racist, you can always call this Jew to…
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  • The Holcaust is the name applied to the systematic state-sponsored persecution and genocide of various ethnic, religious and political groups…
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  • The link for the Holocaust does not come up. It's here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust
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  • The Holocaust    ... is the name applied to the systematic state-sponsored persecution and genocide of various ethnic, religious and…
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  • Think Osama will win the Nobel Peace Prize someday? (Hey, don't laugh! Henry Kissinger won it!) Now this will draw…
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  • Thanks for highlighting SOJ's remarks. For those that only view the Holocaust as the extermination of ONLY the jewishpoints out…
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  • President elect Ms. Bachelete,  saild that the relation with Argentina was "strategic" for her her and for Chile. She also…
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  • Today is a good day to get clubbed. Today is a good day to be imprisioned. Taoday is a good…
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