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    Let me ask you something: how come you did not post one single comment in Dkos?? Did you fear their…
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  • So, now in present times this would be labeled suicide by cops. wondering if the church will endorse suicide now…
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  • Republicans are the party of TRAITORS. And we have proof of it now!
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  • How about to the simgle digit-midgiet?!
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  • [IMG]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b273/cruzdelsur/_41395950_060302gasmapa1.jpg[/IMG] Best I could do 🙁
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  • By the way, I tried to place a photo of the pipeline, but could not do it. Something is wrong…
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  • I have read somewhere that out of the 10 to 8.000 kilometers of this pipeline, 3.000Km already exist.Furthermore, the Russians…
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  • And this is jus tfor starters.Welcome and awesome diary!!!
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  • I was there when they started. They call it Alcohol. I remember that lots of people used t-shhirts that said…
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  • No it can not. Diesel motors dont have spark plugs to ignite the fuel, while the alcohol (ethanol) requiers them.…
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  • Exacly my thoughts Oui. So obvious it is scarry. They are scared as hell because they know they will lose…
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  • Just can't say what I think of this guy right now. 🙁
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  • This is one that hasn't gotten any attention. While Bush was head of the CIA (1976), and after the Embassy…
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  • What surprises me is that Kos' parents came from El Salvador fleeing from there because of the political situation. He…
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  • Too hot??? For what I hear they are really cold!!!
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  • Now this is big news: Uruguay's Supreme Court aproved the extradition  of three military responsible of the murder of Eugenio…
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  • The title for this should be : American terrorist. for some reason it did not come out
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  • So, if by accident the tv is set on CNN or MSNBC, do they send them to Guantanamo for an…
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  •  Lestat Claudius de Orleans y Montevideo (original in Spanish)has been accused of placing two bombs in  Bolivia in two low…
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  • Not surprissed, since many Chileans and Argentine former military have been hired to go there
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