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     What do expect of some one who reads "My Pet Goat" upside down?????
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  • Don't count on an appology. The video never existed. The good thing for Dems is that it ndver reched the…
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  • Hey Manee it is official  The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has removed their campaign video 'Secure' from Youtube. If you…
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  • I think they got the message! I guess they did not want us to go with a hilary photo next…
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  • So what you are saying is that we can take credit, right?
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  • Shumer's office fell for it. I told them that I had a question, and and did not understand why it…
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  • I guess you discovered the agent orange 🙂
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  • Already did. Missing Shumer and Reid, who think that they can get away with leaving an answerein machine on.
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  • I am going to start calling congress and ask them what is the problem with having a photo of Hilary…
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  • How do you ask a man to be the last man to die?              …
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  • You can also call  Jewish members of Congress and ask the to presssure Israel to protect our peace activists.
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  • Bush's excuse: The NSA wired-taped me!!
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  • I loved the one: how many lives per gallon. 🙂
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  • Rather than seeing it as a "victim mentality" you should see it as a "suviver mentality". There is a world…
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  • I was busted with some pot in Brazil.  Was sentenced to 3 years out of which I was lucky to…
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  • The  orange world has an update on that on that.
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  • Hopefully before it's too late:(
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  • Which country has nuclear weapons, has threatened to use nuclear weapons, and has used nuclear weapons to kill people in…
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  • Wow! you just placed me in a great dilema. Should those in this administration be shot or not??!!. Nah, not…
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  • The problem with that is the price of the conversion kit. I have heard on tv, that the cost was…
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