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    I called Senator Durbin's office asking if they wee going to make the list of those who were spied on…
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  • Thank you!
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  • Susan: Military Tracy's link is empty. Did she quit?? Hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  •     Dicen que mi incorporación no convenía y que el Mercosur iba a politizarse, si hay que politizarse no…
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  • By the way about 15 years ago a professor said something about how many Latinos were entering illegal to the…
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  • Funny. I am the reverse case, an american family that emigrated south of the border. Do you know how many…
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  • Thanks Larry!! First of all: "What do you make of her suggestion that her husband in effect was partially responsible…
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  • Don't be afraid. what I always do is use the preview to make sure it is ok. I generally use…
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  • The one good thing about this is that if someone does it to Kissinger and Daddy Bush, we can reply:…
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  • What I don't understand is why are they going to ban torture when (according to this administration) we don't torture.…
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  • If this is a free, respectfull and democrat speech zone,  then I am 1000% with you.
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  • Over that thread, I trolled rated him. Then I wrote about the Mothers and Grandmothers of the Dissapeared, and told…
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  • but I think that you are still able to criticize anyone , as long as it is done maturely and…
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  • I have already. And I still try every day. Thanks Duct!
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  • Thank you so much. Truth be told, I will never let that shame wither away. Since then, I have done…
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  • I will always carry with me: in 1976, my last yeat in  highschool, a friend of mine asked me to…
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  • First, that people vote for someone does not mean that it is not a dicatatorship. Saddam went to the ballot…
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  • You said:" The United States Constitution, complete with an explicit bill of rights and a separation of powers.  It's a…
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  • JUst what I needed. Now, after walking my pup, in this freeking cold, I finally feel warm fuzzy and confy.…
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  • As I say:" if we are to forget one, lets forget of all of them". And you are absolutely right,…
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