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    ATTENTION DOWNLAODERS Argentine newspaper "El Clarin" has an article in which is says that Yoko Ono has given authorization for…
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  • Now that is an understatement. (Today is Diana's birthday, cooking, reading the diary in between, watching Bridget Jones) How could…
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  • That was really , and not rally. 🙂
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  • Carnaki: missed that diary. could you put a link to it? I would rally like to read it.    …
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  • If he is convicted, I will ask Boo to give him a pardon.
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  • Are we talking about soccer of what?
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  • If I weren't so lazy I would have looked at it sooner. The Christian Science Monitor said that the percentage…
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  • I don't think that they can be saying:"for every innsurgent you kill, another 10 will take it's place" or "hey,…
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  • One problem I find with this is this statement:"These are mostly "foreigners", non-Iraqi Sunni Arab Jihadists from all over the…
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  • Had Bush  only gone there to campaign it would have been 183. There are 2 votes that puzzle me: Iraq…
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  • I'm not sure abut this , but I think that the US can only veto the Security council. At least…
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  • Can't wait until tomorrow when the pundits will start saying that the country sent a message to the repubs. By…
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  • Another historic vote. UN voted to end embargo with Cuba. 182 in favour, 4 against ( US,Israel, Marshal Is., Palau):…
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  • And it will be snowball effect.
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  • For a second I thought Scottie was about to lose it. Every time they have the ball,they fumble. Indeed, life…
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  • Dammit Janet, jsut wanted you to take a look at this this              
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  • Sorry to change subject, but did anyone watch Olberman show where "Poor " Scottie got spanked again with the question…
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  • Do you remember when the Idiot took office he said something in the lines of ...So help me God. I…
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  • If it is from Fox it should go down the toilet. Nobody should waste their time with it. In this…
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  • Wow! I wish I had that luxury. I would finally find some peace of mind. You have no idea all…
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