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    Good morning to all of you. First thing I have to say is that the I am responsible of what…
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  • And I'glad that you recouped your diary. It is a piece of art. And I'm not done with the other…
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  • Argentina. Survivor of a terrorist bombing, survivor of the death squads, Looked over my shoulder after death threats, and 4th…
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  • by asking nicely. go and look at my initial request. This place has nothing to do with it. Stark has…
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  • I deleted all my diaries there, and I am begging to be banned. go to Armando's diary and watch waht…
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  • No I did not. I just don't get that place any more. WTF? better yet let me splell it out:WHAT…
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  • Tried to go to "that other place" to see the posts, and there are none to be found. Wondering if…
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  • He did say something very inflamatory (at least to me) and just folowed his instructions (troll rated him) But it…
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  • I lost  my TU status (either by a computer glitch or because I troll rated Kos) permanently.
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  • I like how Chavez stands up to bush ands big oil. Last year he helped with a boycott to Exxon…
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  • I cant't understand... Rather gets fired for using a forgery, and Woodward lies through his teeth, fails to inform his…
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  • I loved yur comment. While I was translating the article I found this one that talks about Jackson and how…
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  • Yuo must be psycic. I have been trying to reinstal the windows, and cant do it.
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  • Hey, now you have to pass me the Windex so I can wipe the screen.
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  • Right after the Senate vote in which Liberman voted to authorize torture, I called his office and left a message…
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  • Never be ashamed of your country. Look at Brody. The US has done some incredible altruistic things. The sooner our…
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  • But he is definitely a  dick
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  • Chicken-hawk.  cheney is a Chicken-wannabe-hawk. Or, plain chicken.
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  • Well, at least the BBC remembered the event    
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  • I am so, so sorry for your loss Susan, and please accept my deepest and most sincere condolences. I will…
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