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     For those interested, you can read a little about the Mother  and the Grandmothers I can't begin to tell you…
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  • I am in Chicago. And thatnk you so much for your offer. I will definetly keep you in mind 🙂
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  • A friend of a friend' father was a cop in france during the Nazis. He found out about his father's…
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  • I guess that if anybody has a reason to hate the Intel services is me. Maybe because  I was in…
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  • Mr Lang:         My father would interrogate German prisoners during WWII. When I was 9 years old,…
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  • "We are the foreign fighters." I love that!
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  • Thanks SallyCat. I do have a lot aof patience. I just wish that I had all the information now, because…
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  • That is a common pattern of totallitarian governments. That is one of the main reasons so many people got murdered…
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  • MilitryTracy: I do understand that sometimes if classified, the info should not be released, specially if it is a national…
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  • I have often said that this administration is a dictatorship, without a dictatorship: they have to control the flow of…
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  • Rdf, how can I thank you??? You can bet your youknow what that I will be contacting them in the…
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  • Thank you Brenda! How could I not be here: This is like my second home.
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  • I am very upset that I was lied to. I did call all three agencies (NARA,FBI, andthe CIA) and those…
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  • I came here, took a peak, and dove straight into the pond.And, I feel right at home. Boo, you did…
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  • It breaks my hart to see the suffering of all those human beings. It is often said that those who…
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  • Brasil prepare for Bush. I know to everybody's surprise, Brazil has been protesting in preparation to Bush's visit to that…
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  • Well, the war criminal left the country a short while ago. I athink he had to thoughts in mind.  1-…
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  • And of course they will never mention that the real reason for the anti bush protests is the war on…
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  • That and the elites of course. The good thing is that Bush lost one more opportunity to gain some positive…
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  • I llike t be honest, so let me say that Bush does have suppor in Argentina. 10% does support him.…
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