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    This white's-only history movement is really getting old.
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  • "Maybe if we paint all the ice white that will help" - what every republican is thinking
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  • I guess that's a strategy - mess up the Democratic party so it doesn't have a good bench, and then…
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  • He hates the idea of college. He's  declared war on the universities, without which Wisconsin becomes a cheese-dusted Appalachia (or…
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  • That Christians against dinosaurs thing sure looks like a hoax. It's just too funny. However, the fact that we are…
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  • A lot of the anti-PC stuff I see is just "I want permission to be an asshole." It's like the…
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  • Interesting. Just listened to a long BBC world service interview in which the dementia angle was never mentioned. How long…
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  • On the subject of lies, the kid upon whom the "the boy who came back from heaven" book was based…
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  • Damn, that guy really does look like an old European drawing of Satan. It's the beard.
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  • Apparently plagiarism comes from Greek for "kidnapping." Just looked that up. Love it.
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  • That's the most plausible explanation I've heard. Not that I care to defend him, but ghostwriting a memoir isn't unusual.…
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  • They aren't "easily offended muslims". They're fundamentalists who are trying to provoke a reaction in Europe, and this was a…
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  • A nation of 300 million people, most of whom cannot be bothered to vote, who allow the rubes to represent…
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  • Why would anyone question the insanity defense? It appears well-supported to me.
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  • And women are more likely to vote, too.
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  • Iran is part of it. The Saudis do want to see Iran bankrupt if they can have it. The destabilization…
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  • Fundamentally, if there is another dem that thinks he/she can beat her in the primary, they are welcome to it.…
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  • might actually be a reliable way to find the bad apples.
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  • I lost respect for the NYPD based on both stop and frisk and their relentless spying and harassment of muslims…
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  • I saw that and it just made me sick. The idea of the robber barons of cuba profiting from that…
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