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    I don't see what that has to do with anything, given that the Palestinians themselves wanted this resolution to pass.…
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  • It looks like the US is becoming increasingly isolated. Only one country voted with it. Even the UK (the creator…
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  • Sorry for this off topic comment, but comments are no longer allowed on your relevant diaries. What do you make…
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  • Why did you post a link to the loony Ukrainian Web site stopfake.org? Why do you even pay attention to…
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  • The Netherlands 'ignored' Ukraine rebels after MH17 crash - officials Officials in Ukraine say the Netherlands could have had direct…
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  • Kiev had no problems with Dutch investigators negotiating directly with the rebels to gain access to the crash site? Really?…
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  • I saw somebody mention (can't remember who) that the Dutch are the most determined European supporters of the Empire, after…
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  • The Russia They Lost We see the blood and war crimes, the bodies of women and children, an an entire…
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  • Sergei Lavrov's take on the speech, courtesy of the Saker: As for the U.S. President's speech, we earned the second…
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  • Sorry, I meant Ukrainian Pravda (has there ever been a more oxymoronic title for a newspaper?), not Kyiv Post. I…
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  • I have in mind ukrainiancrisis.net. The banner of the page says: "Separatist Crisis and the Russian occupation in Ukraine". How…
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  • Thank you very much for clarifying your position. I agree with everything you say. Russia had the physical means to…
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  • This has nothing to do with impressions Russia wants to make on Asia or the global south. And what is…
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  • Pravda: Boeing-777 was downed by Ukrainian MiG-29, Romanian expert says the Romanian expert believes that it was not a Ukrainian…
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  • Comments have been disabled for your diary there. Do you have any idea of what they are afraid of? That's…
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  • Yes, Uke propagandists were making much of the operational ceiling of the SU-25. They are reflexive liars: when faced with…
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  • I can't believe what an Atlanticist, Russophobic trash heap EuroTrib has become. And many people there - like Frank Schnittger,…
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  • VoR: Investigation into flight MH17 could take "many years" an early report on the plane's black boxes, which are being…
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  • Thanks. No, I hadn't seen them. They're pretty depressing, even though there are no bodies. The only thing I get…
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  • Thanks. That one seems only to have been damaged by ground impact. I don't see any damage from shrapnel. I…
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