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    I guess because it sucks so much. In other news, on Friday I found out a good friend of mine…
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  • I love your live blogging. I can't help out because when all this stuff is going on, I'm at work,…
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  • I guess I should have guessed by the fact that you have a bronze statue of the man, but...80 some…
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  • I know that my group is in the vast minority, unfortunately 🙂 I think that 'waste of skin', while it…
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  • You've got quite an intimate knowledge of New Orleans.  It's been on my list of places to go for so…
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  • Do You Wish You Understood What He Said? Short answer: No. Long answer: Fuck no.
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  • I have learned so much from everyone here, but you most of all.   I've remained silent after reading your…
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  • I too read that possibility in i-pig's words, and I hope that what he is saying is only metaphorical.
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  • that I'm a Braves fan. That means I've seen enough playoff failures to hate just about every other team.  Marlins.…
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  • Thanks a lot for this response. I'm still more or less a noob when it comes to talking political strategy.…
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  • Scarborough is wondering howTF Bush is planning on paying for all this. Also, I found this on FreeRepublic, believe it…
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  • It makes so little sense that I can't even figure out how to ridicule it.
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  • I think you answered your own question.
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  • I'm not sure.  He was actually quite critical of Bush at the tail end of Countdown. Of course, he may…
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  • Is this a speech or an infomercial?
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  • My analysis of the speech so far is that half of it is shit that we all knew a full…
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  • <blush> That may be the greatest compliment I've ever received 🙂
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  • After looking back over the past few years, I've realized that everything I touch turns almost immediately to shit. Therefore,…
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  • Madman, I'm a huge fan of your writing, so please don't take this personally, but I'd like you to reconcile…
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