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    Wow.  How did I miss that meme until now? I kind of do that with my tent.  If I had…
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  • Not a whole lot going on tonight.  Big day tomorrow though!  Going to play some disc golf, then heading to…
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  • Trying to decide if this is better or worse than something like "Look, many of us know a lot of…
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  • I haven't really done much reading on this subject, but from my extremely high level view of the situation I…
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  • I really like the format here.  As others have mentioned, keeping anonymous and threaded comments is a winning combination.  It…
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  • Just watched it on YouTube.  Holy crap, it's even worse than I had imagined it being!
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  • I hadn't heard that story about the Dutch.  Wow. This GOP race needs to end before they cause a real…
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  • For those who may not have seen it.  This was floating around on Facebook several weeks ago, and seems pertinent…
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  • I guess if you want to narrow it down to the party leaders, I'd still say there are more than…
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  • We're trying to craft an energy policy with a party that pretends to disbelieve in climate change.No, we're trying to…
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  • His friendship with Larry Summers is noted in the article I linked.   I thought the article worth posting here…
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  • It would seem that there is not universal acclaim for this move (not that there ever is).  A contrary take…
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  • White People, You Will Never Look Suspicious Like Trayvon Martin
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  • I agree, on paper that would be the best fit.   It's going to be really interesting to see how…
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  • Yeah, I love Grantland.  Definitely on my daily must-read list. I've been reading Bill Simmons for years.  At first I…
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  • I think Tebow's trade value will be relatively poor. Any team willing to go all in on Tebow is a…
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  • I am really, really curious to see what Tebow's trade value turns out to be.
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  • OK, that's fair.   Thanks for the clarification.
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  • I am having trouble reconciling this post with your response to my comment on your post 'A Dependent Mind' a…
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  • A certain saying about stopped clocks comes to mind.
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