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    Raw milk can be safe - it just puts more onus on the consumer to weigh the risks. I'm not…
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  • In fact, I thought that this was such a good idea... Ron Paul Thunderdome
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  • Why are you so hung up on the raw milk thing?  To me that is one of his least reprehensible…
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  • You have some copy/paste quirkiness with your link in the first paragraph.
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  • Would someone please explain this to me?It is inexplicable if you are operating under the assumptions that Americans are rational…
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  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a statement that Obama "has arrogantly circumvented the American people," and he…
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  • Yah, no kidding, eh?
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  • Yeah.  He's like a retarded Dan Quayle.
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  • "Every barrel of oil that comes out of those sands in Canada is a barrel of oil that we don't…
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  • Not to mention your humility 🙂
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  • Every politician, whether he knows it or not, is using delegated power, delegated authority, authority delegated to him by God…
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  • The two are comparable only in the sense that they are both disasters.  I assume that is the point he's…
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  • Words are open to interpretation, but slick, oiled abs are universally appealing. I think this only bolsters his case.
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  • I actually like the fact that BooMan doesn't vet what his other front pagers post.  I don't mind reading opinions,…
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  • BooMan?  Sexy? Photoshopping: not always good.  But usually funny!
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  • We should be very horrified, because he's definitely running.  In 2016 though, not 2012.  
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  • ...if the party and its donors refuse to finance him, if party opinion-shapers continue to attack him, and if the…
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  • The only person that comes to mind at all for me is Jon Stewart, because I think he's pretty observant,…
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  • [Paul] at least seems capable of listening to someone besides himselfHe doesn't just seem so, practically 99% of the footage…
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  • Indeed.
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