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    Wow.  Obama is Occupying Congress right now.
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  • Whoever crafted that image probably died of terror after the final 'click' in photoshop, leaving it to his or her…
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  • I know.  I can barely stand to look at it.
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  • The more frightening one.
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  • Speaking of off-putting spectacles in American politics, I saw this via Facebook yesterday...I don't think I am exaggerating by saying…
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  • Yeah, I'm a few hours away in Ann Arbor - last Tuesday, it was 51 degrees, Friday it hit zero,…
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  • Response?  This is no more a response to my comment than BooMan quoting a line of David Brooks and calling…
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  • I'm just glad we can all safely get back to our hedonistic f*cking.
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  • Good luck seabe!  You'll be fine - you're a smart kid.
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  • After the Turkey comment, it makes me wonder if Gingrich offered Perry the Secretary of State job in exchange for…
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  • I can't speak for anyone else, but my biggest problem with your approach is that you refuse to accept that…
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  • Haha, yes, it is clearly my lifeblood - that's why you'll find so many comments and diaries that I've posted…
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  • Quoting the WaPo to support your point now?  Hmm... Only one solution... NEWSTRIKE!!!  MEDIASTRIKE!!! Come on. Wake the fuck up.
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  • Actually all they need to learn how to read is the 'Learn More' page (linked to from the blackout page)…
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  • Occupy Wall Street, now SOPA / PIPA, and I just saw this on Truthout about Citizens United.  The Iraq war…
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  • Beginnings make me think of sunrises, and when it comes to sunrises, there is really only one that stands out…
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  • Your photos always make me jealous - I wish I had your skill.  Great shots, as always!
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  • I am a little bit in love with that middle shot. I didn't know you were a bread man!  Homemade…
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  • If ever there was a comment to make me spit whiskey up on my keyboard at 7:30 on a Saturday…
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  • It's shit like this that is turning me into the world's biggest Patriots fan this weekend.
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