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    How much money is the GOP willing to dump into Nader's run this time.
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  • I was down in the crawlspace and underneath the laundry room and my bedroom (this is the side of the…
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  • 2006
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  • 1st owner 1932 - 2004. 2nd owner 2004 - dec. 27 2009 3rd owner us They should have disclosed that…
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  • And yes, my soil is clay, so there has been "reflooding".  I've been trying to explain this to my husband,…
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  • Talk about delusional.  I think there are too many Dems. who regret their wrong-headed vote for Nader.
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  • I have a total girl-crush on her!  
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  • Giuliani Completes His Collapse is the headline.   Funny how all last year, the media kept insisting that Giuliani was…
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  • He just said that he was suspending his campaign, though everything before that made it sound like he was completely…
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  • Edwards said both of them pledged to make ending poverty and unequal economic policies central to their campaigns and presidencies.
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  • Not suspending the campaign.  He talked about how, now the Democratic party is set to make history.
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  • I wish he'd get on with it, so I won't have to listen to his horrible campaign music. I much…
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  • My relatives in KC, GA, AR, DE and IL are saying the same thing: former Edward supporters are contacting them…
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  • I know just reading the liberal blogosphere, there were those who were supporting Edwards because he's a white male and…
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  • It's a bit tacky IMO...but you know that the Clinton's would have done it anyway.  Reading reports, it seems it…
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  • A couple of weeks ago, we were asked to complete a survey.  500 responses were tabulated in this informal survey:…
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  • From Newsweek UPDATE, 11:06 a.m.: Obama beats Clinton to the punch on praising Edwards. "At a time when our politics…
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  • Yahoo: Four in 10 Edwards supporters said their second choice in the race is Clinton, while a quarter prefer Obama,…
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  • See what happens when I go back to sleep before checking the dailies?  I miss everything!  I went back to…
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  • During the first YearlyKos, I posted a photo of me and someone thought I was gay Asian guy.  I was…
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