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    I'm sure more than 700 people voted today, but they've already declared him the winner.  They did the same thing…
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  • With his bad numbers, he should be tossed like Kucinich was.
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  • We go strolling down memory lane via YouTube and I have to say, it's pretty hard explaining things to my…
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  • The only way I can tell them apart is that her hair is darker and she keeps coming back to…
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  • The other day...I have to figure out new ways to entertain my kids daily, so I told them a fairy…
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  • And say that the Red Sox will win the Super Bowl with an assist from Ajay Gupta. The score will…
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  • I was just going to check in on his site to see if he heard anything back on that.
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  • I have so many family members who voted for her, donated money, volunteered for her campaign...imagine their shock when she…
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  • She's like the only Democrat I know that the Republicans I work with speak glowingly of.  I know very few…
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  • It's like watching your boss puke on himself at an office party.  There's that OMG moment and then it goes…
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  • I'd prefer my candidates not to get down and dirty, but you know as well as I do that the…
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  • At least it's good old-fashioned Republican values at work.
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  • There's a fishy land deal or knocked up mistress in this equation.
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  • My family hates Blunt.  My dad went on a 2 hour tirade against Blunt a few months ago, my phone…
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  • That boy has diarrhea of the mouth, with his 'explanations'.
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  • When you hang your star on a group of lunatics.  Those freepers started making noises for Thompson.  They amplified that,…
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  • I've called for Democrats to get down and dirty with deal with GOP shenanigans, whether it's on the campaign stump…
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  • Definitely email me.   I remember hoping that the CBC would be a force to be reckoned with.  I thought…
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  • The black leadership thing has bugged me since I was a kid.  I went to a mainly Latino/Asian school and…
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  • You made the same point, I've been making with no success: If it was wrong when Lee Atwater and Karl…
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