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    I don't even want to think about the lawn sign fiasco. Like I said, I don't think the Obama group…
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  • It seemed like all the same Shrillbots, either straight up calling Obama a liar or trying to spin it like…
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  • But I'm originally from Kansas City.
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  • Republicans  |  Polls | County Results Candidate    Votes    % of votes    Delegates won Romney    22,649    51%    17 Paul    6,087    14%   …
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  • My cousin said she was going to try to go, but decided at the last minute to watch Lord of…
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  • In New Hampshire, the tight shots around Clinton's head showed young, white faces.  The TV tells you that old white…
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  • BREAKING NEWS: Ron Paul will finish second in Nevada's GOP caucuses That's what they have pretty big in the red…
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  • In my old neighborhood (upper income, white, Jewish, and gay), you can see the lack of GOTV in the apt.…
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  • They're from down south.  The southern Latinos are more Republican.  Even though Linda is "more liberal" than her sister, it…
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  • My post was about actual GOTV in my area by the Obama campaign.  As I said, there is already an…
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  • Man Egee is right, you can't guarantee Latinos as a sure thing.  Here in LA, there are entire enclaves of…
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  • Female turnout on a Saturday was a given.  It's not just turning out the men, so-called progressives are actually going…
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  • What he said...I couldn't have said better myself.
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  • I'm pretty positive they weren't accused of being Shillbots. LOL!
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  • Your last line had me thinking, it seems that the IRL supporters mirror the online supporters lately.  What made the…
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  • Yeah, I kinda forgot about that when I posted.  
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  • If you click the link to my blog, I have a YouTube clip and an AP article that noted this,…
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  • I had expected Ron Paul to win Nevada even with no campaigning.  So many libertarians out there, even the Democrats…
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  • That the caucuses in NV start at 2pm PST.  
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  • At the beginning of the month, I wrote Clinton '08 vs Clinton '92: And now, 15 years later, we're being…
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