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    My husband asked me your bonus question the other day, phrased the exact same way! After about 4 hours of…
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  • Maybe if there was some kind of outreach in the LGBT community to black LGBT there could be a more…
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  • I didn't read today's Edwards emails.  I got like 5 of them this morning and they all looked to be…
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  • It's just that the email I got yesterday said that was the tentative place and they were still looking.  But…
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  • Make that the Nevada Caucus is on Sat. and the state party needs volunteers.  Sorry, the email was directed to…
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  • John Edwards will be in LA tomorrow.  Don't know where, but it should be around 12:30pm.  Hopefully, the Dem. twits…
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  • That's so funny because I posted the same thing on my blog: And I really want to reiterate my previous…
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  • He was all up in her junk after the debate.  It was so transparent.  
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  • ABC, NBC whoever now has absolutely  no reason to invite him to the debates.  He's done just as well, if…
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  • Why does she keep saying that?  Are black or brown men the only people who abandon their children? Are black…
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  • They're not aware of how pervasive the Food Network is nowadays.  Frankly, if I lived in the midwest, I'd be…
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  • Now that they don't have much time to dick around, they're actually answering the questions and fully, without too many…
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  • She's no longer, 'I', but 'Ah'.  She sounds like my Cousin Racine.
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  • I'm looking it up.  This is the first I've heard of it.  It's another symbolic piece.  I mean, that's still…
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  • But in Oct. I watched all 3 seasons of Lost and I'm now counting down the days.
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  • He seems to be repeating by rote what was pumped into him. He turns into a robot when it gets…
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  • I wish I was a better liveblogger, but honestly from what I've heard all their economic policies will help me,…
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  • I've been proven right again.  All my friends can bite my big, black ass! Obama:  Opposed bankruptcy bills because they…
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  • Or is Clinton's 'country' coming out?  She's been dropping a lot of "got to's" and she said, "Countrywaaahde".
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  • He's apologized.  Unlike Hillary. At least that's the line the Edwards people at DK have been feeding me for a…
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