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    I missed that!  I knew he'd become a lobbyist and break the rules.  I just didn't expect it until spring.…
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  • They don't even try to make it look non-shady any more.  What about integrity?  The guy could have finished out…
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  • I'm I just changed the clothes over in the washer after finishing up some over-convoluted invoices (Client changed the invoicing…
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  • When you have too many windows and tabs open, trying to do billing, ignore my husband/boss and get the kids…
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  • I got apple juice all over my keyboard and monitor.   I hate you. ;P
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  • Since you seem to know me so well, I'd be very interested in learning who exactly it is that I…
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  • The comments started with Bob Kerrey.  You don't need to hate Clinton to see this.  That's not even a logical…
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  • I'd be really interested in learning more.  I hate Bush.  I hate Chris Matthews and anyone associated with Fox.  I…
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  • You know...we all have access to Clinton's website too.  I'm sure many people read that and laughed just as hard…
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  • That's what I don't get.  I saw a poll at the beginning of the year, I think it was a…
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  • There was a post the other day titled, "Clinton's plans to go negative? Keep in mind that until that post…
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  • Is that the BET blog has a section called Pamela on Politics and it's decidedly pro-Obama.  I even decried the…
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  • I tell people that I voted for Bill Clinton twice, but I didn't.  I voted for him in '92.  In…
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  • I just read this over at BlogHer.
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  • Now once again to the point of hateism, as directed at Hillary, if she were black and Obama was white,…
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  • That I was alluding to in my post from last week.  I've posted it on other blogs and I got…
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  • Fine...let's quibble with words.  As always, the last refuge of the intellectual Democrat:  semantics.
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  • Both the leasing of hybrids and the eco-patent thing.  That's very heartening to see someone taking this stuff seriously.  Frankly,…
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  • I can't believe that anyone who can read can believe this: so you are saying that a black man can…
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  • I don't see a rush to judgment anywhere.  This was a snowball effect, as the comments have been coming for…
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