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    Yep. The Young/Lewis/Johnson/Tubbs Jones/Rangel crowd are jealous of him, too. They are just completely green-eyed because he's more brilliant than…
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  • That was bad.  I watched with my agape.  I don't even have words.  That was bad.  Very not good.
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  • There are clearly a lot of black people who are delusional enough to believe that the Clinton's actually did something…
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  • Everyone is talking about that line.  It seems that that line made Obama looked tough, while her Rezko line made…
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  • How exactly was Clinton "fighting against misguided Republican policies"?  That's something me and my husband were discussing.  She wasn't an…
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  • Yeah.  He's a freak and a half.  I thought my head was huge.  Dayum!
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  • crankykites or whatever his name person over at MyDD.  I think it's hilarious that he says the most racist, bigoted…
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  • Obama could do open heart surgery, blind-folded, limited to one hand in under 30 minutes, single handedly rebuild the entire…
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  • And what's with her make up tonight?  She looks like Miss Piggy with the red cheeks and purple eyeshadow.
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  • She's attacking Obama's time in the IL State Legislature AND his time in the Senate.  She only has her Senate…
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  • I'm witnessing my first campaign ad on TV for the first time in like 15 years!  Wow.  I mean, they…
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  • With the exception of the Greek lady, everyone has US Citizenship and can vote.
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  • Check my demos (I'm not including myselfe): 7 Females 1 Male ** 2 Lesbians 6 Heteros ** 4 Americans (including…
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  • I'm chatting with 8 other people spread around the world.  Everyone thinks that Clinton just looked bad, she was too…
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  • That I missed.  Obama won that one hands down.  Clinton bringing up Rezko means shit to most Americans.  The papers…
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  • Edwards turned that one around.  He had 4 years to work on a response though, so that's a bit unfair.
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  • I think they all did well, though Clinton's blatant lies and wild 180s were annoying to me.  I figured I'd…
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  • They're like stoner dorm questions or better yet, The Dating Game questions, "Bachelor #1, if you could be fruit, which…
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  • And he wants a 3rd term?  Oh wait, Hill's got his back.
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  • I'm still laughing over this comment.
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