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    Olberman...I think we heard the entire reference to South Carolina.   That's some serious bullshit The Clinton's pulled there.  
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  • They need to go back to Dateline or something.
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  • Give it up...that was embarassing.  "I want to thank the band."???  She's dropping her black people cred.
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  • I was just watching it the other day and I was thinking about you.  You should totally watch it.  It's…
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  • I just posted that too...I had to run in to see if that was actually Fineman.  Meow! Damn.  I'm still…
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  • "Well how many delegates are there in the state of denial."  This is in reference to American Samoa in her…
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  • "Why are we going on after Hendrix?  We're going to look like shit after Hendrix." (American Pop) Okay, Edwards' speech…
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  • In just talking to people here in LA and online, people sound sick of Bill Clinton and think they need…
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  • Resize that mofo!
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  • I saw on CNN that nifty map they had where is all Obama blue, but I'm actually looking at the…
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  • My aunts sister called her and said it was insane where she lives (I have no idea where that is,…
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  • When Pat fucking Buchanan defends a former Democratic President.
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  • He said, "The Clinton's vs. Obama.  It's 2 to 1...keep mentioning it.
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  • MSNBC cut away from it, but no one's discussing the "jaw-dropping OMG, he's admitting he's running again!!!"-ness of it all.
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  • The only people who think of Harlem as a black city are white people.  That place is so gentrified now...I…
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  • I've been pounding this for a month, but it's official.  Bill Clinton is giving the concession speech.  MSNBC has it…
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  • The Clinton's have their elected officials on point.  They are pounding The Clinton's talking points.  Now, why is it those…
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  • For a while, they had McCaskill and Jackson Lee discussing it.  Then they went on to the moral victory story…
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  • (Thank GOD no Matthews, tonight) They're hitting the negative campaigning of the Clinton's, but it seems all really sober on…
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  • I had no idea...
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