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    Twenty pages into it, I can barely go on. The frankness of it stuns you.   And it's coming from…
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  • We've gone back and forth on this, and I'm leaning heavily toward the Beaver Creek story myself.  The problem is,…
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  • He is about as far from tin foil as you can get.
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  • ...that Abizaid and the rest of them are so burned out and sleep deprived that they can' t see themselves…
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  • ...but I don't think you are, for the very reasons you listed.
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  • ...I don't care to pick on Madsen any further, and he's certainly not the only one who echoed the Aljazeera…
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  • Booman, I did add another bread crumb to the Madsen reference. Hopefully, that makes the bottom of the oracle's bowl…
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  • I take it you got the whole deal about Wayne Madsen, reliable sources, and having to draw conclusions from murky…
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  • "lurking at the bottom of the oracle's bowl" was as far as I cared to go in this column to…
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  • For reasons that may seem obscure, I used Madsen as the derivative source of the original AJ story because I…
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  • Oui, I have trouble enough handling the discussions of my own articles! I try to stay away from moral judgement…
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  • Oui, I have trouble enough handling the discussions of my own articles! I try to stay away from moral judgement…
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  • ...air conditioned lodging.
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  • "Perle," the new way to spell "Satan."
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  • ...I thought it was too! 😉
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  • Santorum.  Now there's another nut loose in the machine.  
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  • Santorum.  Now there's another nut loose in the machine.  
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  • "This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through…
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  • Just wait, Tracy.  More bad Iraq news is ahead of us.
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  • If there's a morale problem among the troops, it's that they know they're being used for sinister political purposes.
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