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    I'm not sure what they're up to or thinking at all.   That's what scares me. And it looks to…
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  • Sorry, Meteor, but I'm not pulling my scenarios out of my ears.  I don't pretend to be able to predict…
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  • I can't recall how many times I was involved with a Hormuz war game.  It's a knotty problem for US…
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  • ...They're trying to goad us into doing something stupid that will justify anything they do in reaction. I'll post more…
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  • The trouble I have with it is this: what's keeping the violence from spilling out now?  It sure isn't the…
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  • Good anology.  Yeah, we (the Bushketeers) have been outmaneuvered at every turn.  It's pretty pathetic.   And as you say,…
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  • Israel's poking the pooch.
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  • ...It's "Hobbesian war."
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  • there's much of a difference between "declared" and "undeclared" war any more.  The War Powers Resolution of 1973 gives a…
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  • ...that nobody wants to have been seen as hindering young Mister Bush's ability to "protect America" if another 9/11 happens.
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  • I just thank my Maker that we're finally seeing the other two branches of government making baby steps to reassert…
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  • Steven, Thanks for doing this piece.  I'll be tracking it in the weeks and months to come. Jeff
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  • I think November will give us some idea of whether our own government is disconnected from the people or not.…
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  • "I think, if cheney was gone, bush would not know what the hell he was doing." Actually, that might improve…
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  • I'm quite alarmed by it.  
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  • "It also begs the question of why Tom Ridge - someone appointed as the first head of the Department of…
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  • If you can't give your pals a job in government, you can give them government business, and pay them more…
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  • Well, it's typical Dietl.  Talk about offensive.  
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  • I've posted on this subject today as well.  I'm very concerned about the resurgence of this hate propaganda.
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