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    I don't like to go to far into the psychology of the guy, but we know he's never been held…
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  • Yes, Chamberlain has gotten knifed, and he's being used as a propaganda tool now.   As usual, this set of…
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  • I've been pretty appalled at the msm's general unwillingness to call them on this one.  
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  • ...is certainly a bone of contention among scholars.  I've heard it said that by the time someone "predicts" the next…
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  • ...thanks for posting it.
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  • That was the beginning of the end of the old new world order!
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  • ...the Cheney-cons want to make it look like a decisive battle is on the horizon.
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  • ...and the wages of sin.   I wish I could feel good about having been right about those characters.
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  • It's a grass roots movement within the government that's telling the four-star equivalant lip lockers at the top of the…
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  • ...of disasters that would ensue if Big Dick Cheney elects to bomb Iran. And you know what?  I don't think…
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  • I appreciate the sentiment, both in the use of the word in the context you used it and in regretting…
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  • George W. Bush isn't the devil. Dick Cheney is.  
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  • As a transplanted Virginian, regardless of what any of might think of Webb, I can't wait for the day we…
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  • ...said the podium still smelled like sulfer from Bush's presence there the previous day. I would have chosen a word…
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  • I commented to the wrong post.  Too much multitasking.  Sigh.
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  • I'm tired of watching Bush bet the country.  BTW, just dealing with the Iranian navy in the Gulf would be…
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  • And it's still a lousy program.
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  • Alice, my sense is that they're preparing to blockade as part of UN sanction resolutions.  I don't know that for…
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  • "rule of thumb" over Bush.  
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