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  • "I despise Kagan." A neocon chamberpot who claims to be an "expert' on warfare and foreign poicy who could have…
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  • ...is to take out the facilities and set Iran's energy program back several years.  Talk of fear of nuclear weapons…
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  • ...to be the one who says we invaded Iraq over oil and energy.   And young Mister Bush has said…
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  • Thanks for the info about Lenin's margin note.  
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  • ...if they have to replace Bolton, it will be with someone like Quayle.
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  • ...of making sure that diplomacy doesn't work.  
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  • Part of our problem is that the people who tend to get elected know how to get elected and very…
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  • ...is one of Rummy's handpicked boys.   Revolting indeed.
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  • Kahli, I often consider that your model is absolultely correct.  If one wished to use constant but relatively low level…
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  • The whole idea was to get Clinton to lose his cool.  That's the neocon's standard tactic when they don't have…
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  • Clausewitz said something to the effect that no one in his right mind starts a war without knowing what he…
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  • ...about operational/tactical details in the msm gets leaked on purpose, so it's hard to know what to make of it.…
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  • My take now is that they always did dictate the policy, and will until we put the cuffs on them.
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  • No, I have no information beyond what's available to that standard issue news consumer, and frankly, I don't want any…
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  • Sunburns, as well as older anti-ship missiles, are active homers.  That means they get basic guidance info before they're launched,…
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  • ...or the stairway to heaven.
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  • ...about how to use the military to conduct foreign policy, the bots are doing the exact opposite. Mark my words:…
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