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    Lemme look this stuff over and see what I boil out of it.
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  • "Head in the sand" is putting it nicely. Kristol has his ears spot welded to sides of his upper Gi…
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  • Poe: As I said in the main article, I don't like to get too specific on tactical capabilities, but regarding…
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  • ...I've written on MCO2 a few times, and I fear that like the star warriors who ran the game and…
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  • I think I answered your questions over at MLW, but I'll summarize here. I don't know about the U.S. using…
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  • ...how are they gonna follow us here, swim?
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  • Thanks for the ball game reminder.  
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  • ...and lamentably, even if the Dems take over the Congress, It won't be able to do much to fix things…
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  • The barbarians are already inside the gate.  And they're barbarians like Peters who tell us to look for barbarians outside…
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  • No, it's definitely the kind of talking and thinking that goes on below the waist.
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  • I left a lot of language out of this piece.  One paragraph in the first draft said something to the…
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  • Funny you should bring that up.  In my novel BEADWINDOW, "play war" is a major theme.  From my query blurb...…
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  • Also interesting that the neocon-friendly Rafsanjani released it when he did.
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  • I can't stand to read that military techno-babble garbage any more.  It's all cub scout GI Joe fantasy.   But…
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  • ...and yet, it's happened.
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  • Your guess is my guess.   Condi's the "diplomacy doesn't work" poster girl.
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  • "we" have enough control over the Iraq situation to be strategizing on it. We're hoping for a fortunate accident to…
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  • Thanks, Supersoling. I'm a fan of Murtha's plan of redeploying to the periphery.   As to Israel, my take is…
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  • Heard anything about Woodward's new book coming out?
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  • I've seen water boarding up close and personal.  It's torture.
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