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    The White House used a small band of Muslim fanatics to grab onto power. Muslims became evil doers. Soldiers were…
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  • Corporate Media is still in denial; perhaps their bosses still have them under tight reign.  Last week on NewsHour nobody…
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  • Hypocrites grown large.  Karl Rove wants the joys of war without the pain.  Smearing liberals as pussy cowards but not…
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  • Democrats, moderates and liberals must keep pointing out that $20 dollars out of the current $72 barrel of oil is…
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  • Alcohol and Hydrogen are only energy storage systems.  No different than gasoline with costs and quirks all of their own.…
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  • Excellent commentary. However, the USA is really in the end days of its neo-empire. A nightmare combination of British Colonialism,…
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  • The only way to stop a robust urban insurrection is to depopulate and level the buildings flat. Warsaw Ghetto is…
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  • I am filled with utter frustration. Corporate media continues to be total denial. They refuse to admit that President Bush…
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  • This article really did scare the shit out of me. The Popular Science article Bombs Away is clear. No bomb…
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  • The one truth that corporate media is still hiding is that delusional true believers are in charge at the White…
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  • A Vietnam Veteran this post triggered another flashback of sadness.   We weren't Rambo but innocents turned into losers.  Screwed…
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  • If the Bush Administration hadn't wacked the hornet nest a second time to take control of second largest supply of…
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  • NSA is data mining at communication nodes in the USA that connect internationally.  If you believe they are throwing out…
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  • The best depiction of a soldier caught up in never ending war is The Forever War. Iraqi veteran's are Scarred…
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  • Booman, you are correct, of course.  Everything depends on the 2006 elections and the Democrats taking control of Senate and/or…
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  • What is crazy is anyone who still thinks the USA is going stay in Iraq forever and kick some Iranian…
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  • After watching corporate media spin that the Fatah Party retained control last night based on exit polls and the actual…
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  • The US leadership is schizophrenic.  One week it is Syria.  This week it is Iran.  I was totally convinced Israel…
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  • Frontline in the first months of the occupation had a clip of an Abrams tank flattening an Iraqi taxi because…
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  • Twenty years ago I listened to a speech General Westmoreland gave at a gathering for the Twentieth Anniversary of the…
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