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    "So what you have is a governing philosophy that doesn't apply to the real world, so they have no sense…
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  • Like all policy wonks, Juan is trying for a scheme to prevent the collapse of Iraq within the limitation of…
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  • The Bush Administration can only lie and spin. They won't talk about or plan for the Gulf Coast's future because…
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  • Luck has nothing to do with the Gulf Coast. It is all probability and engineering. Ideology and delusions come into…
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  • In today's privatized America, the bodies have to await issuing the disposal contract: "Michael Brown, who heads the beleaguered Federal…
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  • A petroleum analyst was interviewed on DC's WTOP radio this morning.  He expects gasoline to rise to $4 a gallon…
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  • Interesting. Breeding even more Stepford Generals.   The fast and light Army is well on its way to losing the…
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  • Vietnam, when I was there, was a hell of lot safer than Iraq. Large chunks of the country were safe…
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  • The basic quandary of the modern world is that Equal Rights requires education and a modern energy intensive economy. In…
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  • This is a comment that I wish I could edit or delete since it was written in a moment of…
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  • "The Americans are very angry that the Shia are not agreeing on this."   The Sunni were kicked out of…
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  • These prisons are really Sunni Concentration Camps. There is such a desperate manpower shortage that a battalion of the 82nd…
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  • An analysis that is as clear as daylight. But, invisible in the darkness of the Bush Administration and Corporate Media.…
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  • The government and corporate media by their silence imply that nuclear bunker busters are equivalent to underground nuclear tests.  When…
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  • Patrick Lane is a lifer.  One does not become an Army Colonel without being a lifer. The right wing propaganda…
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  • Of course you are correct. But, as surely as the Vietnam War destroyed the US Army for over a decade,…
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  • The Bush Administration built its own reality because if they observed the truth the USA would have never invaded Iraq…
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  • George W Bush's bellicose gesturing threatening Iranian Armageddon is very strange. It is like the Capitol Hill Blue's psychotic speculations…
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  • No doubt, the GOP led US government would like to keep troops in Iraq indefinitely.  Whether the Bush Administration admits…
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  • No way did the Bush Administration envision a prolonged Sunni religious based rebellion. Improvised Explosive Devices and Suicide Bombers have…
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