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    I don't think you get to proclaim yourself the defender of the "rule of law" when you've gone to the…
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  • I don't have any sort of sentimental attachment to the 60s, but Thompson's image of the high-water mark hit me…
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  • People who supported one of his opponents in the primary are coming around, because...you know...Kenyan usurper.
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  • He's expressed more remorse for bringing the number of uninsured children in Massachusetts below 1% than for assaulting that classmate.
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  • Does anyone remember learning how to use a microscope in 7th-grade science class? Remember the two different focus knobs? The…
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  • Are you saying that your one purpose in life is to boot out the Republicans and you don't much care…
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  • It's funny to me that people who spent 2009 talking about the Great Depression Two now claim that the government's…
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  • If Romney wins, the Democrats won't retake the House and will lose the Senate. The same developments that might result…
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  • In other news, the North African campaign was not fought by North Africans, nor the Crimean War by Crimeans.
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  • I can't believe the Republicans picked Richie-Rich as their candidate in this of all years. Think back to the "Real…
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  • Examples: http://articles.latimes.com/2011/dec/23/nation/la-na-voting-rights-20111224&sa=U&ei=Q5bCT9Ta AeT-6QHDvtyZCg&ved=0CDsQFjAG&usg=AFQjCNFajqrI0fWwH9P5LqHav1BpYCz2uQ http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2012/03/13/justice-department-protects-voting-rights-for-minorities- in-texas/&sa=U&ei=Q5bCT9TaAeT-6QHDvtyZCg&ved=0CEIQFjAJ&usg=AFQjCNH03au9HheeH6emoYl7c yD8dNcwPA http://peoplesworld.org/justice-department-investigating-over-100-voting-rights-violations/
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  • I have next to zero expectation that Holder will find the sense of justice to intervene in any meaningful way.…
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  • The couple of decades during and after the war, that is.
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  • I don't think so, BooMan.  As far as commercial applications go, it's going to take the development of a highly…
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  • Oh fer chrissakes, one of those pictures shows Romney holding up a sign about dogs driving! Mitt Romney is, and…
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  • Good theory.  Very plausible. Let's also keep in mind that this is a poll about labels, not policy. I'll bet…
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  • I am getting the strange feeling that many of my readers think everyone should be in prison. Just the ones…
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  • OK, so now your argument is that in just a couple of years, the sanctions killed half a million people…
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  • BooMan presents arguments and facts to support his position, and Hurria just repeats hers at ever-greater levels of fury. This…
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  • Some people learn nothing. Romney's history as a "job creator" at Bain was supposed to be his main selling point…
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