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    A more-polarized electorate could result in a closer Electoral College contest, even if Obama maintains or slightly increases his popular-vote…
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  • At what point does the "Big Tent" not be able to hold together into anything coherent? The 1850s.  Show me…
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  • If Obama loses in Indiana or North Carolina or Virginia, it means he has lost the election. I disagree.  He…
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  • There are so many stupidities in that column, it takes my breath away.  I like the part where he says…
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  • The United Nations is the worst possible system for policing the behavior of nation-states, except for all the others. We…
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  • So your theory is that al Qaeda spread into Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen after Obama took office, as a…
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  • Was there supposed to be an argument in there somewhere? Because if there is some reason to believe that the…
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  • This reader cares a great deal about the Nebraska race.  As bad as Kerrey may be, that race represents one…
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  • If there's one thing Calvin hates, it's outrage over imagined slights. Well, that and the phrase "professional left."
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  • So now, if he wins his primary, he gets to run in a state Obama won, with a presidential-year electorate,…
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  • Noted you don't mention the 2004 POTUS election here So now your argument has gone from "There was no backlash"…
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  • The punch line of all of this is that Netroots Nation attendees were polled on Obama's job performance, and his…
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  • Regarding WW II, there were plenty of anti-interventionist, conservative GOP types in congress who fought tooth and nail against our…
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  • ask Man Eegee. Who is "Man Eegee," and why are you linking to a four-month-old poll? Obama's job approval increased…
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  • And when was the draft introduced in World War One?  1917. http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_Act_of_1917&sa=U& ei=VhuYT6fzJOT06QGs1p3nBg&ved=0CBIQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNG1IRzJpd9Dtcwx_71gBJYqKM8FUw In the example you just brought up,…
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  • Amendment Thirteen, Section One: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have…
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  • Here's a much more realistic prediction of what a draft would mean than this ahistorical fantasy that it would serve…
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  • I can guarantee that the debate about the Iraq invasion would have been more even if average people were going…
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  • Why are there so many people who believe that history began and ended with the Vietnam War? Did middle and…
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  • That's some pretty shoddy reasoning, and history, by Isquith.  Was it terribly difficult to take the country to war in…
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