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    Yep. And, Obama spent the last month solidifying his position as Mr. Reasonable, topped off with that little presser yesterday…
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  • "Who are they going to sacrifice?" There are enough Republicans in 70%+ Republican districts, who can win re-election by saying…
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  • Dealing with this "minor political loss" is precisely why Barack Obama has been allowing leaks about his oh-so-reasonable willingness to…
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  • "I am kicking myself that I didn't see this coming." I did! http://www.boomantribune.com/comments/2011/7/11/144335/418/36#36 Although I thought it would come in…
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  • That's fine as an explanation for why, say, Harry Reid isn't adopting this framing. But I'm talking about the administration's…
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  • Though you've broken nearly every promise you made on the campaign trail... Zzzzzzzzz... I love how the list of broken…
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  • My theory: Boehner is trying to force the President to use the "14th Amendment Option." Boehner knows that the debt…
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  • Don't you get it yet? He's offering things because he knows they won't take the deal.
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  • Why are we pretending that cuts, any cuts, are a giveaway to the Republicans and a loss for progressive politics?…
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  • There's a problem with his reasoning here, and naturally everyone leapt on it immediately, including me. The Republicans aren't going…
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  • Chuck Todd is an absolutely brilliant, insightful, knowledgeable analyst of polls and election results, as anyone who watched MSNBC's election…
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  • "And, even though many on the left are not noticing, he is doing it without triangulating.  Obama is a disaster…
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  • Easier, yes, that's why I wrote "overstated" instead of wrong. It's certainly easier to stick with current law than to…
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  • Yes, if they are already in motion.  All someone has to do is file a bill to change the law/policy,…
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  • I think this point is overstated.  Not wrong, entirely, but overstated. If the political winds require something, the specifics of…
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  • Government derives its just power from the consent of the governed. Hence, taxation is neither "by a third party"  nor…
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  • That's so great!
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  • I haven't seen this much smug faux-certainty since Lucy was, of course, going to pull away the football on DADT…
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  • I thought the leaking of the SS "cuts" proposal was intended to demonstrate some political reality to Boehner and McConnell…
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  • Where do we go from here? More in a sadness than in anger, Obama and the Democrats walk out of…
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