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    I can't get too upset with people who fall for a feint that was this brilliantly executed.
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  • Like I needed another reason not to go to Texas or Oklahoma.
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  • I was laid of January 2009, from a company that had come to lean too heavily on document reviews on…
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  • Goalkeeper Hope Solo. Hope Solo.  A goalie. Best sports name ever?
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  • It appears that the wingnuts have done the same thing with the debt ceiling that they did with global warming…
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  • I don't mean it to be backhanded.  That turtle-looking bastid is a legitimate political strategist.
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  • Oddly enough, Wall Street doesn't agree. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703461504576231121265117538.html?mod=WSJ_article_Lates tHeadlines Check out the awesome graphic about the Hedge Fund managers' donations. Obama…
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  • Also, Clinton was all tactics - and don't get me wrong, he was great at them - whereas Obama has…
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  • Hi, I'm Rick Perry! I'm a right-wing southern governor with a history of saying favorable things about secession, and guess…
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  • "he was down five points in early September before Lehman collapsed" You mean immediately after the Republican convention, September 1-4?…
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  • How does he not open negotiations? They control the House of Representatives.  A bill needs to pass.  They get a…
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  • Deficit ceilings and budget concerns should not be tied together. Tell the Republicans.  Once the party that controlled the House…
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  • That's probably why Obama has gone so far to alienate his own base to cut a deal, any deal, with…
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  • I can't help but notice that Mitch McConnell didn't get involved in the negotiations. Mitch McConnell is a smarter than…
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  • He's stood up and led any number of times...when he's laid the ground work for it. You know, like Monday's…
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  • This isn't being done to win over voters to an agenda. This is fight over fixing blame for grandma and…
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  • The President is insisting on tax increases.
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  • "The Stein piece says that all sides agree on 1.5 Trillion in cuts, even if there is no revenue." That's…
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  • Ever been really, really sick, Booman? Like, sick enough to be admitted to the hospital for a few nights? You…
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  • "The President believes his own stuff." Uh huh.  He got to be the first black president of the United States…
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