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    That's an interesting theory.  In reality, the Tea Party people are howling about this "betrayal" even more than the liberals.…
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  • And if he would have told the Republicans what he thought about his demand, we would not be here. Eyeroll.…
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  • That Obama "rolled over" and obviously could have gotten a better deal is a proposition to be assumed. Facts aren't…
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  • It has the same effect as government spending on the deficit, but the mechanism is to not collect taxes.
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  • They didn't convince the independents that they were the best bet for the future. Messaging can only take you so…
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  • I'm not.. I'm going to point out that you are repeating Republican framing that we have the highest corporate taxes…
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  • It's really very simple.  Something that results in paying lower taxes reduced your taxes.  Something that results in paying higher…
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  • I pay in the n'hood of 3 grand a year for a 4br house.  There are wide differences in taxes…
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  • "If you think lowering rates mixed with getting rid of enough "loop holes" (loop holes that weren't even specifically identified...)…
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  • There is one measure for whether taxes are going up or down: whether there is more money being collected, or…
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  • You just contradicted yourself.  Collecting more taxes is raising taxes. If all tax rates were raised to 90% but there…
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  • Ah, so you fell for someone else's willful misrepresentation instead of making your own. I hope this indicates something to…
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  • (don't kid yourself about what will come out of that committee) The Simpson Commission got a majority to vote in…
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  • Responding to factual reporting with the forced laughter thingy and then your opinion just makes it look like you're trying…
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  • Even including them would have made your statement a lie. Seabe wrote a comment about how the media is always…
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  • A chart that goes back to 2007 doesn't tell us much about what's happening now.
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  • Tax increases and Pentagon cuts are concessions the Democrats made to the Republicans now? Okay.
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  • Call the coin an Atreides.  One Atreides = $1 trillion. Put Kyle McLaughlin's face on it, and instead of "In…
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  • Good guys win?  Gee, thanks for ruining it for me! The wife and I are just on our way to…
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  • "Where does borrowed money come from?" Future taxpayers, who are richer because that money was created and used to stimulate…
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