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    "but the Black folks who are as poor today as they were when the likes John Conyers were elected 4…
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  • I love this idea. I do have one modification, though.  If raw political symbolism is what you're going for, they…
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  • Krugman is so awesome when he grounds his columns in his knowledge of economics and the financial system, instead of…
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  • These are the same people who got furious when we didn't allow the financial system to collapse, who pretended that…
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  • Obama needs to come out with a statement that he will veto any effort to extend the cuts.  To date,…
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  • Oh, yeah Rachel's great.  There's just no comparison with anyone else on TV. It's like she's doing a different job…
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  • There is no contradiction in that passage. You, like a lot of people, simply don't understand the difference between discussing…
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  • Tell me, do you usually find that the public statements of politicians are expressions of their truest feelings and impressions?…
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  • The president has a day job, and it's not pushing the Overton Window.  It's governing.
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  • So now you're moving the goalposts to "use reconciliation and lie about it, and get the non-Democratic Senate staff to…
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  • It seems like you want people like Reich and Krugman to debase their credibility (and by extension, their principles) so…
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  • "Geithner's course is costing us big time, also, too." Assuming you're not now retreating into vagueness and still talking about…
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  • Reconciliation cannot be used to pass things that increase the deficit. You either don't understand how stimulus works, or you…
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  • They were both appointed to positions based on absolutely no political experience or skill, but rather, expertise in their field.…
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  • And that's bigotry. Don't ask why it's bigotry. It is. Watching a conservative try to play a race card is…
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  • Boo Man, you're a one-man stimulus package.
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  • As expected, not a single one of the people who spent the last week discussing how "Obama wants to shred…
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  • Where are the cuts Obama "put on the table?" Why are Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare benefits exempt from the…
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  • Where are the cuts Obama "put on the table?" Why are Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare benefits exempt from the…
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  • Where are the cuts Obama "put on the table?" Why are Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare benefits exempt from the…
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