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    There was a popular revolt there.  Two, in fact. There was the one that was crushed by military force in…
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  • Let me third this.  I'm always glad to read Tarheel Dem's thoughts.
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  • I'm bothered by the covert nature of how the department operates, more than by the mere fact that they're trying…
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  • "The black-and-rufous giant elephant shrew hid in his habitat and refused to come out for afternoon feeding." They made that…
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  • These aren't Americans; they're Libyans. An no, the Iraqis did not greet Americans will flowers and kisses. Why do you…
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  • "Sounds" to whom? I'd say your comment illuminates you, much more than anything that's happened in the Middle East.
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  • I certainly don't know everything. But I've made an effort to keep myself informed. Checking my gut just isn't good…
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  • Pretty flagrant Godwin violation. Nobody invoked Hitler. It is profoundly irrational to insist that the example of World War Two…
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  • People who make up their minds about any particular military action based on their feelings about war "in general" -…
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  • You haven't been following events very closely, have you? The civilians of Tripoli welcomed the rebels with open arms. Protect…
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  • "who still believe in quaint notions of opposing war except in self-defense." "Anti-war" contingent to LIbyan protesters: I can't see…
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  • A UN Resolution trumps the elephantine self-regard of the anti-war contingent, as far as Nuremburg goes.
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  • I heard that some of those French resistance fighters are communists!
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  • You don't know nuthin', and you're determined to keep it that way. Fine.  Congratulations.
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  • The Transitional National Council just put out a statement that they will not allow any foreign bases on Libyan territory.…
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  • I can't find one reason to invest myself in any way. You're not much of a liberal if you don't…
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  • We're not the ones putting people in charge. This is a feature, not a bug, that there is no Libyan…
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  • There's plenty of good, reliable information out there if you're interested in finding it. Al Jazeera English has been great.…
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  • It isn't even that the black Seekrit Mooslem actually favored that policy, and more than Romney did.  They both settled…
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  • Skunks? These guys: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CBwQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nt clibya.org%2Fenglish%2Flibya%2F&ei=H7RTTuSTIsT10gGX7PzqBQ&usg=AFQjCNE0dd4z6uOn7NIUeccUflVoA1 LbOw are skunks? Don't give me this Borderesque "both sides are just the same" bs.…
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