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    Mr. Obama has said he will propose long-term deficit savings to offset the short-term costs of his stimulus proposals Prediction:…
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  • Since Obama is not willing to cast any responsibility on Repubs, they won't do it themselves. He gets the blame…
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  • And he fully restored Holy Joe to his chairmanships in the Senate The President did this? Man, Reid and Durbin…
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  • It's the truth. That should matter to you. But I know it doesn't. True or false has clearly been sublimated…
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  • Well, of course he's going to change his approach when it's campaign season. Obama isn't Bush.  He hasn't been running…
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  • Yeah, like that.  Hit it hard enough that people will remember there was a story about it when you bring…
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  • Looking at one ozone-related reg in isolation, ignoring the rest of the Obama EPA's actions on ozone, and then declaring…
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  • I understand his point when he made it.  I was answering the question he asked.  Perhaps my answer was more…
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  • "How can you convince them when the President is only taking the crisis(Jobs!!) seriously now?" Normal people are only now…
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  • I don't think this is a One Big Punch type of beating, where Obama can score a big win by…
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  • Friday: The administration needs to talk about jobs more!  I feel betrayed. Saturday: How dare the administration cite jobs to…
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  • Well I'm sure this is a wily and brilliant electoral stratigcalistical maneuver by the President's ace campaign re-election team. I'm…
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  • Talking about the EPA as if it were some kind of entity on auto-pilot that operates outside of politics is…
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  • "He has done more damage to our social security net in two years than Clinton in 8 with welfare reform."…
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  • The change in the attainment standard was penny-ante peanuts compared to the effect of the Interstate Transport rules about NOx,…
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  • BooMan, Have you ever considered inviting this guy to blog here? I consistently find myself learning new things and gaining…
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  • Perhaps that's because the Ozone Season NOx regs in the Interstate air pollution rules passed by Obama's EPA this summer…
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  • Yeah, but you know it's going to work out so that the rich Texans are going to be just fine,…
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  • They'll find some way to blame the strange weather on black people. This is what you get when you lower…
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  • One minor edit: the Affordable Care Act wasn't passed through reconciliation.  It passed the Senate with 60 votes on Christmas…
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