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    Crime has been dropping since 1993. The most likely explanation for why it dropped last year, too, is one that…
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  • Yeah, pears. Pears so ripe you need a bib. Pears so ripe you shouldn't drive if you've had more than…
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  • Am I forgetting something, or is Bachmann the first officeholder to explicitly come out against Arab Spring? On the upside…
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  • And IMO serious Independent runs hurt the incumbent.  Anderson in '80, Perot in '92, Nader in '00 Researchers have gone…
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  • The question is: are there enough disaffected Democratic centrists who would abandon Obama to vote for another centrist? When you…
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  • I maintain that the similarity between the sound of Martha Coakley's voice and that of Sarah Palin played a meaningful…
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  • Huh? Obama has stuck quite closely to his promise to concentrate on the war in Afghanistan, and commit a greater…
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  • And now you're going to be called a suburban pantywaist snob.
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  • You know, you could have just acknowledged that you were wrong to say "warrantless wiretapping," instead launching into this personal…
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  • Obama can not win.  The democrats need to run a grayson or a dean. The difference between Obama and those…
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  • Trying to scare people, even if it is true, by telling them the other guy is a Christo-fascist isn't going…
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  • Indeed, Richard, the growth of the minority population in the suburbs is one of the most important demographic developments of…
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  • I appreciate that.  It was icky enough to go over there the first time.  It was almost not worth being…
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  • Right, I should have said, "...even to people who haven't written a single word about him being a racist."
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  • Nobody has said you were were racist. Can anyone come up with any examples of people who use the phrase…
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  • Don't make me go searching through Red State, seabe! I recall noticing this on another blog: a longtime troll suddenly…
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  • Something. Just not what you wanted. I again that you for the demonstration.
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  • You guys are the ones who attacked me and called me a racist with no evidence.. Note that he keeps…
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  • Everyone take note.  This is what to look out for: A. the page is listed in my favorites and it…
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  • Way to convince everyone you're not a Tea Bagger! Keep it up, Red State.  You're just making it that much…
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