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    The filibuster has been such a big thumb on the scale for the right for so long that I don't…
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  • My reflection, dirty mirror There's no connection to myself I'm your lover, I'm your zero I'm the face in your…
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  • Crime data is based on reports, not arrests or convictions.  The FBI does this deliberately, in order to account for…
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  • I'm not going to rule out what you're talking about entirely, but I'll note that these same white progressives had…
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  • Crime kept going down through the 2001 recession (and the slow recovery that followed) as well.  In any data set,…
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  • While there may be some legitimacy to this theory, it seems a bit of a stretch to attribute the continuation…
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  • No, he hasn't.  You're making shit up. And I answered every single question I've been asked.
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  • Courts don't review targeting decisions in war.  Never have, never will. There have been numerous investigations of financial firms for…
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  • The President was right. This is what deregulation is all about - it became legal to do the things that…
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  • Agreed about Bernanke.  "Helicopter Ben" has been well on the more-aggressive side of monetary policy.  What he's been doing since…
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  • If yes...Good Work!...Vote Republican... Why would anyone do that?  The standard of living for the bottom 99% has fallen under…
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  • On the other hand, he got a tremendous amount done in the lame-duck session. It's clear, to me anyway, the…
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  • First the detainee language in the defense bill, and now this. I wonder what's up with Harry Reid.
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  • I wonder: is there anyone in Congress who is actually afraid of imprisoning and trying terrorists inside the US?  Is…
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  •  the road crews already have all the work they can do This isn't even close to true.  There is a…
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  • You were writing comments about how much you wanted Obama to do what he's been doing three weeks ago.
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  • ...and plenty of time to let the controversy die down before the general election. But it will forever be part…
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  • Reads like Fredo's lines.
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  • That is, indeed, the argument that most of the made.  The Bully Pulpit argument.  I see a couple of its…
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  • Obama won the presidency with little more than rhetoric. These people have turned into the Palinite trolls from 2008. Come…
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