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    I'm going to make the same point I made about Anwar al-Awlaki: the rules that apply to prisoners you have…
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  • I'll say the same thing I say about the executions of people like Ted Bundy: yes, he deserved it -…
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  • The ugly face of civil war will make victims many generations later. What do you recommend peaceful protesters do when…
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  • None of this seems terribly relevant to the question of whether or not this immunity, over which the deal was…
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  • "an intentional poison pill in the negotiations, inserted by the White House" Hey, that reminds me: how is it going…
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  • I can't help but notice that those elections didn't stop the civil war, the ethnic cleansing, or the growth of…
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  • He wasn't really a Republican. He was a superstar who accepted the Republicans' nomination.
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  • I think it's nuts to assume that a larger military footprint early on would have meant fewer civilian deaths. It…
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  • "Officials from both countries discussed" is some pretty vague language, but you read it as "Obama wanted to keep troops?"…
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  • Fifty years brings us to 1961, so technically, no.
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  • It's a wonder things aren't worse in Iraq right now. I've known for three years that Obama would be making…
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  • I'm not a misogynist, seabe. Why would you say that? You don't know anything about me except what you have…
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  • Mitt needs to settle on a single, simple position on Libya, like John McCain's: We should have used heavier, less…
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  • You can jam the Franco-Prussian War in between those first two. And you forgot Poland!  WW2, 1939-1945. For a some…
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  • I don't think it's necessarily true that OWS needs to talk explicitly about Obama's job bill in order to help.…
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  • We're a sidekick.
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  • Ah, I gotcha. Yes, it was the Arab Spring uprising that was the impetus for our actions.
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  • Also, the "days, not weeks" statement.  The planning for an initial phase to be followed by a transition to other…
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  • Actually, BooMan, this has taken a remarkably short amount of time.  Eight months for a group of DFHs to get…
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  • IOW, you don't have to have "a plan to eradicate American's enemies" in order to be a friend of human…
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