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    Obama is running against Congress now.  He won't be running against Congress next year; he'll be running against a Republican…
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  • You clearly haven't, Calvin. Economic justice - in Church terminology, "preference for the poor" - has been a staple of…
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  • Good catch. I certainly wouldn't vote for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, any more than I'd vote for Gary Bauer…
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  • I read it as, "She's wrong on the whole, but..." And I don't think that's a misreading.
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  • Indeed.  Let's hope it's not One Man, One Vote, One Time.
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  • That's not what I was recommending.  It wasn't a choice between an Iraq-style invasion and occupation and what actually happened.…
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  • There will no doubt be plenty of Shays Rebellions and their ilk in the aftermath of this revolution, as there…
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  • Good. I want to see one of these Islamist parties actually have to govern for a term and then face…
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  • They wouldn't exist, and wouldn't be battle-hardened, if the 101st had just gone in and snagged Gaddafi, or forced him…
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  • Your position, your arguments, through this whole episode have been quite a bit better, more responsible, more reality-based, and more…
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  • The fundamental difference between the two situations is that we forced a change of government in Iraq and in Libya…
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  • Let me point out, BooMan, that it was specifically because we didn't bigfoot into Libya and end the war quickly…
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  • Maybe your problem, BooMan, is that your primary interest here is in defending the honor of a group called "opponents…
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  • Bachmann: "We don't know who the next leaders will be...it could be a radical element." As someone who actually opposes…
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  • And if Libya turns out a lot better than Iraq did, part of the reason why will be that the…
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  • Rick Perry is an incompetent politician. Southern governor.  History of speaking positively about lynching and secession.  Niggerhead.  The guy has…
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  • I'm not going to try to argue that he deserves to have his life spared.  He doesn't. I'm not going…
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  •  The UN is now officially an arm of the US/UK/EU capitalist-imperialist octopus. Eleanor Roosevelt, Imperialist Pig.
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  • It's odd, but the only place you can still find a full-throttle defense of the sovereignty of the Westphalian nation-state…
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  • And we had to listen to him, day after day, justify his terrible actions. It would have been far better…
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