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    They're sitting on the sidelines, he says No, he doesn't.  They're not sitting on the sidelines; they're off playing another…
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  • Didn't he have majorities in both houses of Congress after his election when he had all the momentum of the…
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  • Oddly enough, Brandon, most of us who heart exactly those same campaign themes and danced in the streets managed to…
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  • Quite predictably, it became "too late" at precisely the moment Obama actually started campaigning for the bill. The diaries calling…
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  • Indeed, Booman. Except that Obama, and many of the progressives you're talking about, don't really think that campaigning for the…
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  • FDR would never have appointed anyone from Wall Street to his administration. Oh, wait...
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  • I don't think Christie would produce the third-party run you've been talking about. He's a talented-enough pol, and the tea…
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  • Brilliant comments about Christie's entrance into the race. Oh, wait. The most important thing to Protest People is their self-image…
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  • It isn't just an unfortunate coincidence that the Protest People lost interest in Obama making a jobs-bill push the moment…
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  • The "activist left" that can do so much needs Obama to tell them what to do?
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  • Green lantern theory of politics.
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  • Have you not heard of the individual targeting of Admiral Yamamoto during the Pacific War?
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  • It has never been the case in either American or international law that a state can only war against another…
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  • Almost nobody outside the internet left - a vanishingly small segment of the electorate - believes that Obama is remotely…
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  • Why would we compare Democratic vs. Republican enthusiasm this year to 2008, instead of 2007?  Voter enthusiasm is always higher…
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  • cost Al Gore an election he should have won in a walk, in a time with the most peace and…
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  • For instance, why do you ask about the death toll from the response being in the thousands, but not about…
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  • "Justified" is too vague.  Are you talking about legality?  Morality? Also too vague: your example.  The details matter a great…
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  • Hamdi was a case involving a detainee in custody.  Yes, detainees in custody have 5th Amendment rights. Enemy combatants who…
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  • There's a good write-up about him and his case on Wikipedia. On July 16, the U.S. Treasury Department added him…
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